Guests Coming For The Holidays? Get a Tankless Water Heater!
The holidays are quickly approaching and you’ll no doubt be spending money shopping and preparing for the holidays. Here are six reasons to consider a tankless water heater install before the holidays.
- Your current hot water tank uses up a huge amount of energy. It is considered the second biggest energy consumer in your house. Many consumers are switching to tankless water heaters in order to save money.
- A standard tank water heater takes up about 9 square feet, whereas a tankless water heater takes up no space on your floor because it is attached to the wall.
- A tank water heater is constantly running and heating water, however the tankless water heater only heats water when you need too. By switching, you can save about 40 percent off your gas bill.
- A tankless water heater can end up paying for itself in a little as four years depending in the type and size tankless heater you choose due to the great energy savings.
- The life of a tankless heater is much greater than a standard water heater by five to ten years.
- Running out of hot water is never an issue like it can be with a standard water heater.
Call (281) 351-6661 to get a water heater inspection anywhere in the Houston Metro area.
We will evaluate your water heater’s condition, recommend the best solution, and provide a quote. All Daniels Plumbing technicians are licensed plumbers.